Name: Byron (last name unrevealed)
Nicknames/Aliases: Rift, Blade
Hades' designation: One sub two
Age (at first appearance): 17
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Hair: Bluish-black
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Tan
Style of Dress: He prefers clothing that shows off his muscular chest and arms, so ‘wife beaters’ and muscle-tees are staples of his wardrobe. He usually wears baggy jeans, the more worn in, the better, and he spends an obscene amount of time in the morning styling his hair.
Personality: Fiercely independent, and aggressively private, Byron lives with the rest of the Refugees grudgingly, often disappearing for days at a time. Despite this, he is firmly devoted to the founding members, his closest friends, and treats them like he would his siblings. He has an odd way of showing affection, which tends to anger those who aren’t used to him; he picks on people he thinks are weak, like Nick, in attempts to make them stronger people. He swears often and loudly, never washes his dishes, drinks tequila with reckless abandon, and is generally a badass with a heart of gold. He and Stone often lock horns because of their diametrically opposed personalities: Stone thinks Byron’s being cruel, Byron thinks he’s doing people a favor. Byron also practices martial arts and works out obsessively.
Abilities: Byron is a tactile telekinetic, manifesting in a fashion similar to awesome strength. He can lift objects in excess of four tons using his mental powers, but he must be touching them to do so. The upper limits of his strength seem to be increasing with practice.
Appearance of Abilities: Lifting cars is a dead giveaway